Home Life 7 min read

Must-have house cleaning checklist in 2023

Sometimes, cleaning your home can feel overwhelming, especially if several messes or areas need a good to cleanse.  We believe our printable house cleaning checklist will keep you on track to keeping your house clean every single day.  Daily Cleaning Checklist These tasks might feel mundane, but they’re what make you feel at home. And […]

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Sometimes, cleaning your home can feel overwhelming, especially if several messes or areas need a good to cleanse. 

We believe our printable house cleaning checklist will keep you on track to keeping your house clean every single day. 

Daily Cleaning Checklist

These tasks might feel mundane, but they’re what make you feel at home. And to be honest, they will be the tasks that make your friends green with envy because look-at-how-attentive-you-are-to-every detail. So let’s do this daily house cleaning checklist: 

– Make your bed 

– Clean dirty dishes after every meal

– Dust hard surface 

– Wipe down and disinfect countertops 

– Scrub and disinfect the kitchen sink 

– Laundry

– Fluff and karate chop throw pillows 

– Put away any loose items (mail, toys, blankets, water bottles,etc)

– Tidy up remote control, video games, and other electronic items 

These tasks will make your living space fresh and tidy
These tasks will make your living space fresh and tidy

Daily Cleaning Tips and Tricks 

Being on schedule or daily routine can be beneficial to your mental health, as can cleaning. These daily cleaning hacks will make your daily schedule feel a bit less overwhelming. 

Clean as You Cook

To help ease post-dinner mess, clean as you cook. If you’re too busy stirring, basting, and tasting, then recruit other cleaners, such as your roommates, family members, or your friends. 

Give the Cleaning Agent Time

Let the cleaning agent sit for at least one minute before you wipe it down with a rag or sponge. During that one minute, do another quick cleaning task, such as tidying an area or stretching. 

Repurpose Dryer Sheets

Even after dryer sheets have gone through a laundry cycle, you can make use of them around the house. 

Use these old dryer sheets to buff water spots from mirrors, bathroom and kitchen fixtures, and shower doors. You can also wipe down baseboards with them. 

Weekly Cleaning Checklist 

Staying on top of this cleaning checklist weekly will keep you in an always-on state of spontaneous company possibilities. 

Cleaning regularly used items once a week can help prevent bacteria and mold from growing. When completing this weekly house cleaning checklist, try to finish two areas: bathroom and kitchen one day of the week and another space another of the week. 

In this way, you will have a balanced routine. We both know that no one wants to invite friends over only to realize there’s an inch of dust on the ceiling fan. 

Here’s a weekly cleaning checklist to follow: 

– Sweep or vacuum the kitchen floor 

Clean the inside of the microwave

– Sanitize sponge 

– Scrub bathroom sink, toilet, and bathtub or shower 

– Wipe down mirrors 

– Dust furniture 

– Wipe down fridge shelves 

– Tidy up pet spaces 

– Empty all small trash cans

– Clean pet bowls with soapy water 

– Clean windows 

– Toss expired food from the fridge and pantry 

– Mop the kitchen floor, using mostly water to prevent the buildup of residue

– Wipe fronts of cabinets and handles 

You have to clean windows weekly
You have to clean windows weekly

Weekly Cleaning Tips and Tricks 

These cleaning tips can help your professional house cleaning checklist become easier. In this way, you can reduce bacteria and dust from accumulating in commonly used places or on often-used items. Follow our tips to make your cleaning process more effective

Sanitize Sponges

One of the easiest ways to clean sponges is by placing them in the dishwasher during the next load. 

You can also clean sponges using the microwave. Get the sponge saturated with water but not dripping. Then, zap it on high for about a minute. Let the sponge cool for another minute in the microwave before touching it. 

Use Masking Tape to Clean 

For crumbs or sticky items like glitter, use masking tape to help pick up all the little pieces. 

Simply place the sticky side of the masking tape on the surface, press down, then pull up to collect those hard-to-get particles. 

Use Tongs to Clean Blinds

Firstly, cut a rag into two small pieces. Then, use the twist ties or rubber bands to secure the rags around each head of a tong. You can then sweep between and around blinds to collect dust. 

Monthly Cleaning Checklist

If you don’t have a full day to clean, don’t worry; our monthly house cleaning checklist below will help you knock off individual tasks as soon as possible. That way, no major cleaning chores sneak up on you. 

Here’s the monthly cleaning checklist to use: 

– Vacuum vents 

– Dust and clean light fixtures and fans

– Dust blinds 

– Dust light fixtures 

– Clean vacuum by washing parts or replacing bags 

– Clean oven 

– Soak and scrub stove top burners or grates 

– Clean the outside grill

– Descale coffee maker or thoroughly wash French press

– Wipe down patio surfaces and furniture 

– Beat dust out of rugs 

It is necessary to clean out your oven
It is necessary to clean out your oven

Monthly Cleaning Tips and Tricks 

The monthly cleaning tricks below will take you a bit longer to complete than the daily or weekly ones. But count on us, they’re worth doing. 

Dust With Coffee Filters 

If you don’t have microfiber rags, you can clean your computer screen, monitor, or Tv screen with a coffee filter. 

Gently wipe the coffee filter across the screen to collect dust and toss it when you’re done. 

Clean and Freshen Drains

First, run hot tap water down the drain for several seconds. Then turn the water off and dump one cup of baking soda down the drain, followed by two cups of warm vinegar.  The mixture will fizz. Leave for one hour, then wash the drain with boiling water. 

Create a DIY Cleaning Spray 

Let’s create your own three-ingredient cleaning spray. Mix one cup of filtered water, one cup of white distilled vinegar, and 10 drops of your favorite essential oil into a spray bottle. And start spraying away. 

Don’t let your house get untidy!

That’s all there is to it when it comes to deep cleaning your house. It is helpful to get your house clean with our cleaning checklist. 

To follow it regularly, you can take advantage of using a professional house cleaning checklist printable to remind you about your untidy house everyday and get your cleaning chores done at the right time. 

Don’t ignore it! It’s very important for you to keep your living space clean and fresh.

Need some tips? We’re here to help

Are you struggling to maintain cleanliness in your home? Follow our tips above to see some incredible changes. 

In case you need to refresh your living space, at sparklingandbeyond.com, we provide you with affordable and reliable cleaning services and a lot of helpful tips.

Feel free to contact us today! Our experienced cleaning experts are waiting for you!
If you want to check our availability and pricing, please check here.


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