Healthy Living 5 min read

How to remove coffee stains from carpet

Coffee is one of the most difficult stains to remove. In this article, Sparkling and Beyond will give you some tips on how to remove coffee stains from the carpet quickly and effectively.

Jimmy Ho
Published 26 Jan 2022
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Coffee is one of the most difficult stains to remove and is a nightmare for many people. Calm down if you wake up one morning and discover that you have accidentally stained your carpet with coffee grounds. In this article, Sparkling and Beyond will give you some tips on how to remove coffee stains from the carpet quickly and effectively. 

1. Remove coffee stains from carpet with lemon

Natural cleaning product lemon
Natural cleaning product lemon (Source: Internet)

Not only is it good for your health, but lemon is also a beneficial companion for house cleaning, especially in removing coffee stains from carpet. First, blot the coffee with a dry towel around the edge and inside to prevent it from spreading to the surrounding fibers. Remember this cloth should be white and made of absorbent material – never use colored towels or napkins on your carpet as the paper is very fragile, it often leaves small crumbs on your carpet ​and the colored towels might worsen the stains on the fibers.

To remove the stubborn coffee stains from your carpet, you can use lemon juice or use a slice of lemon and rub it against the stain, rinse the carpet with clean water and let it dry.

2. Remove coffee stains from carpet with vinegar

Natural cleaning product vinegar
Natural cleaning product vinegar to remove coffee stains from carpet (Source: Internet)

Depending on the type of coffee, black coffee or milk coffee, the method and material used can be slightly different.

If the coffee you’re drinking is black or dairy-free, you can mix a part of white vinegar with two parts of water and put the mixture in a small handheld sprayer. Then spray on the stain and press it with a towel. Leave the mixture of white vinegar and coffee stains to soak for a few minutes before washing the carpet with cold water and continue to press it with a towel until dry.

In case your coffee contains milk or cream, you still need to use a cotton towel to soak the coffee to prevent it from spreading to other areas. However, you need to pay attention to the removal of protein in milk before thinking about cleaning coffee stains. Here is how you are going to effectively clean this kind of stain.

First, use biological cleaning products such as organic laundry detergent, kitchen cleanser, etc. to spray directly on the stain and then brush the carpet gently with a small  brush. Repeat this step several times and then continue to use the vinegar and water mixture to spray on the stain. Next, use a vacuum cleaner to suck up the remaining cleaning agent on the carpet. This step also helps with drying the carpet faster. Finally, use a disinfectant spraying bottle and spray directly on the carpet stained by coffee to disinfect and to dissolve the smell of coffee and eliminate bacteria in the carpet.

3. Remove coffee stains from carpet with egg yolk

Another simple ingredient that may surprise you in cleaning the coffee stains is egg yolk. Separate the yolk from the egg white, then mix it with a little warm water. Next, use a sponge to absorb a bit of the mixture and rub it on your carpet against the coffee stains. Then, pour washing powder and water solution over the carpet in order to wash and rinse the carpet several times for the stain to be completely removed.

Remove coffee stains from carpet with egg yolk
Remove coffee stains from carpet with egg yolk (Source: Internet)

4. Remove coffee stains from carpet with bleach

Remove coffee stains from carpet with bleach
Remove coffee stains from carpet with bleach (Source: Internet)

Bleach is an excellent cleaning product that helps remove stains in general and coffee stains on carpets in particular. You can find a multi-purpose bleach product that can be easily used for different cleaning purposes in the home.

First, be sure to test the product for safety on a small area of the carpet to avoid fading or damage to the material applied.

To begin, you need to rub the bleach onto the surface of the stain. After that, just wait for five to ten minutes  before rinsing and washing the carpet as usual and the stain will be removed.

5. Remove coffee stains from carpet with baking soda

Remove coffee stains from carpet with baking soda
Remove coffee stains from carpet with baking soda (Source: Internet)

Baking soda has been famous for its efficiency in all sorts of cleaning emergencies. Use liquid laundry detergent or liquid dish soap and try to clean the carpet gently to avoid spreading coffee stains. Do not rub the cleaning liquid directly into the fabric as this may allow the stain to penetrate deep into the carpet fibers, making it more difficult to remove the stains from carpet. Pour some water into a spray bottle and spray over the area you just cleaned, then pat dry with a paper towel.

These traditional methods can help you clean small amounts of coffee from carpets or clothes at home. However, if the amount of stains is excessive, you may need a professional cleaning service to help you. Pick up the phone and call 415-966-1101 to book our services or directly on our website

We are ​always there to help you!

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