Home Life 5 min read

How to Deep Clean Your Closet

Is your closet tidy and organized? If not, you are not alone. From time to time, we all need to get dressed quickly for work or a date so the clothes we take off are usually misplaced in the closet or left unfolded.

Published 10 Feb 2022
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Is your closet tidy and organized? If not, you are not alone. From time to time, we all need to get dressed quickly for work or a date so the clothes we take off are usually misplaced in the closet or left unfolded.

Without constant checking, the closet will quickly become a pile of disorganized mess and we cannot even find the clothes we want. We then end up buying new outfits more than often.

Therefore, it is important to deep clean and organize the closet regularly so that we can easily fetch the clothes we are looking for and also resupply the outfit we need.

In today’s article, Sparkling and Beyond will provide a step by step guide of closet deep cleaning for you to make your wardrobe as tidy as other places in your room!

Cleaning closet step 1: Take out all the clothes

Firstly, toss away any debris in your closet, take out all your clothes and divide them into 2 piles on your bed or the ground: the clothes that should be hung and the ones that should be folded.

Example of hanged clothes:

  • Work shirts and slacks
  • Dresses
  • Jackets and blazers
  • Silk nightgowns

Example of folded clothes:

  • Jeans, sweatpants and shorts
  • T-shirts and sweatshirts
  • Pajamas
  • Sweaters
  • Underwears and socks

When sorting your clothes, don’t worry if these clothes are unfashionable or not fitted anymore. We will deal with this problem in the later step.

Take out all the clothes 1
Take out all the clothes for cleaning (Source: Internet)

Cleaning closet step 2: Clean out the closet

After sorting the outfit, it is time to deep clean the closet. To begin with, vacuum all over the closet to remove most of the dust and use an old toothbrush to scrub clean any corner that is difficult to be reached by the vacuum.

Next, mix 3 teaspoons of dishwashing cleaner with a litre of warm water to make a soap solution. Soak a piece of rag with this mixture and wipe down both the inside and outside of the closet.

After this, wipe the closet again with a piece of wet cloth to remove soap residue.

Finally, use another dry rag to wipe away any additional water.

If there are more stubborn stains staying in the closet, mix a cup of vinegar with a cup of water and use a sponge to rub off the spots with the vinegar mixture.

Then, wipe off the remaining liquid and dirt with a dry rag. 

Clean out the closet
Clean out the closet (Source: Internet)

Cleaning closet step 3: Select and put back the clothes

In this step, go through the two piles of clothes and pick up the clothes that are no longer needed. You can ask yourself the following questions to help you select your outfit:

  1. Are these pants/shirts/jackets broken?  If the clothes have been torn, worn-out or the zipper is broken, it is time to dispose of them.
  2. Have I worn them in the past 12 months? If you have not worn it for a year, it is unlikely you will use it in the following year. These clothes should also be picked up.
  3. Are these still my style? We all have the experience of buying the clothes and finding them unsuitable afterward. These clothes should also be selected.
  4. Do they still fit me? If the clothes have been too loose or too tight for your current shape. They should be picked up.

After picking out these unwanted clothes, consider donating them to local charities. You can still keep the clothes that do not fit your current shape and store them in the basement, attic or other storage areas. If they still don’t fit your shape next year, they should be donated.

Select and put back the clothes
Select and put back the clothes (Source: Internet)

Cleaning closet step 4: Store things back to the closet

Put the clothes and other things back into the closet orderly. Hang back the clothes in the hanged pile and fold the clothes properly in the folded pile and put them back. Also, place the shoes back, hang the scarves and belt and place the bags and purses on the shelf if you have it. Finally, finish up other chores such as placing the boxes of stuff you still want to keep into the storage area or taking additional hangers to the laundry room.

Store things back to the closet
Store things back to the closet (Source: Internet)

General maintenance of your closet

Here are some tips to help you maintain your closet to make it tidy:

  1. Keep a box nearby for donation or recycling.  Place a box in a corner of your closet to store the clothes that don’t fit anymore or should be donated or recycled. When the box is full, sort the clothes inside.
  2. Put the clothes back orderly.  Whenever you put any clothes back, place them in the right category. For example, hang the jacket back to the bar or fold the jeans and pile it together with other pants.

General maintenance of your closet
General maintenance of your closet (Source: Internet)


The closet can easily become messy and hard to find the clothes we want. Therefore, it is important to tidy it up from time to time so that not only the closet itself can be polished but also our clothes can be rearranged.

Hope these tips can help you clean your closet. If you want to check more cleaning tips, visit sparklingandbeyond.com for more articles or dial 415-966-1101 to book a cleaning service with us today!



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