How To Deep Clean Vinyl Floors

Want to keep your vinyl floors looking their best? Although durable, this beautiful flooring requires regular gentle care and maintenance to maintain its smooth texture and natural shine. Water, chemicals and abrasives are vinyl’s worst enemies. However, with the right tools, maintaining a new floor can be easy. This guide will show you how to […]

Jimmy Ho
Published 02 Mar 2023
There are multiple ways to clean vinyl floors
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Want to keep your vinyl floors looking their best? Although durable, this beautiful flooring requires regular gentle care and maintenance to maintain its smooth texture and natural shine.

Water, chemicals and abrasives are vinyl’s worst enemies. However, with the right tools, maintaining a new floor can be easy. This guide will show you how to clean vinyl floors everywhere in your home. We’ll also show you how to care for your floors and practical tips to keep them looking great longer.

Necessary accessories for cleaning vinyl floors

  • WD-40
  • Soft microfiber cloth
  • Apple cider vinegar
  • Baking powder
  • Distilled water
  • Dish detergent
  • Soft bristle brush
  • Mop
Necessary cleaning tools (Source: Internet) 
Necessary cleaning tools (Source: Internet) 

How to clean vinyl floors

1. Sweep before mopping

Vinyl is durable, but its smooth surface scratches easily and doesn’t look good on your floor. Sweep before mopping to prevent chafing. Use a soft bristle broom or dry mop to remove dust, dirt, and hair. Clean around furniture legs and under furniture. Blown debris hidden in high traffic areas can cause subtle blemishes that become more noticeable over time.

Once you have a dust-free floor, you can go ahead and mop it. If your floors are clean and well-maintained, a simple warm water and mop will suffice. Dirty vinyl floors and old floors may require detergent as shown below.

You should sweep before mopping (Source: Internet) 
You should sweep before mopping (Source: Internet) 

2. Cut the fat with dish soap

Mix warm water with a few drops of dish soap to clean your kitchen floor. Dish soap cuts through oil and grease splatters in your busy kitchen.

Avoid products that contain scouring powder or ammonia as they can be too harsh on vinyl floors. Instead, choose gentle soaps that won’t scratch your floors or leave an unsightly film.

Cut the fat with dish soap (Source: Internet)
Cut the fat with dish soap (Source: Internet)

3. Remove stains with apple cider vinegar

Apple cider vinegar is a powerful yet gentle cleanser. The acid lifts and loosens dirt, making cleaning high-traffic areas such as entryways and kitchens a breeze. Plus, unlike soap, apple cider doesn’t leave an unsightly buildup. Pour 1 cup of apple cider vinegar into a mop bucket with 1 gallon of warm water. Lightly press these particularly dirty areas when wiping. Keep your mop clean by rinsing it regularly with clean, warm water.

Use apple cider vinegar (Source: Internet)
Use apple cider vinegar (Source: Internet)

4. Remove stubborn stains with baking soda

Clean up spills immediately to avoid permanently staining floors. Remove stubborn sauce and juice stains by applying baking soda paste. Rub gently but steadily until the stain is gone. Wipe the affected area with warm water and a little white vinegar to remove any baking soda residue.

Use baking soda (Source: Internet)
Use baking soda (Source: Internet)

5. Clean the ink with alcohol

Marker pens, crayons, lipstick, ink, and dye stains can be tough to remove with plain water and liquid soap. A strong cleaner such as an alcohol solvent is required to remove dirt.

You may be tempted to use something gritty like steel wool to scrub away the dirt, but doing so will permanently damage your vinyl floor. The best option is to use a soft bristle brush and an alcohol solvent. Apply the solvent with a brush and gently scrub the soiled area.

Use alcohol to clean the ink (Source: Internet)
Use alcohol to clean the ink (Source: Internet)

6. Remove scuff marks with WD-40

Floor scratches are unsightly. Everything from furniture, shoes, and pet paws to playing children can leave marks on your floors. Restore shine to your floors with WD-40.

Spray her WD-40 cleaner onto a soft towel and wipe the affected area. When finished, use a mixture of water and white vinegar to remove WD-40 residue.

WD-40 is a wise choice for scuff marks (Source: Internet)
WD-40 is a wise choice for scuff marks (Source: Internet)

7. Limit the amount of water you put on the ground

Vinyl is waterproof, but that doesn’t mean it’s indestructible. Water can seep through board joints and cause irreversible damage. In this case, the affected board should be replaced. If the damage is too great, the floor may need to be replaced in whole or in part.

Dry spills immediately to prevent costly damage to floors. Also, when mopping, wring out excess water well before mopping.

Use a moderate amount of water for cleaning (Source: Internet)
Use a moderate amount of water for cleaning (Source: Internet)

8. Be careful how you remove stains

There is a right way and a wrong way to remove stains. The correct method is to start by cleaning the outer edge of the stain and work your way toward the center. Keep using a clean area of ​​the cloth to prevent the stain from spreading and growing.

9. Rinse the floor with water

Rinsing will help remove excess soap and avoid leaving a dull film on your floors. This may not be necessary if you only used a moderate amount of soap. However, a quick rinse is recommended if the floor remains sticky after the first wipe. Fill a bucket with water and white vinegar and wipe the floor clean.

Rinse the floor with water (Source: Internet)
Rinse the floor with water (Source: Internet)

10. Let the floor air dry

If possible, open windows to let air in and dry floors. Stay as far away from freshly cleaned floors as possible to avoid leaving footprints and general clutter. 

Open the windows to dry the floors (Source: Internet)
Open the windows to dry the floors (Source: Internet)

Vinyl Flooring Maintenance

To minimize damage and extend the life of your vinyl floor, you should be proactive in maintaining it. To get the most out of your floor, keep these things in mind:

11. Be careful with commercial cleaners

When choosing a commercial floor cleaner, ensure it’s suitable for your floor type. Some products may be too aggressive to vinyl and can cause abrasion and affect the natural shine of planks and tiles. If possible, avoid using mops and polish products. please. These leave an unsightly film on the floor and only attract more dirt. Water and mild detergent are the best and safest ways to clean vinyl floors.  

Choose the right commercial cleaners (Source: Internet)
Choose the right commercial cleaners (Source: Internet)

12. Avoid unwaxed vinyl floors

If your vinyl floor is labeled as wax-free, do not use wax products to make your floor shine. Instead, use a wax-free floor cleaner and follow the directions on the product label.

Older floors may need waxing. In this case, apply wax if necessary and clean the floor with warm water and mild detergent. Apply enough force to scrape the dirt off the floor, but don’t remove the wax. Rinse with clean water to avoid leaving any residue on the floor.

13. Use a carpet or mat to avoid scratches

The best way to care for your floor is to minimize the amount of dirt that gets on it in the first place. Your first line of defense should be to place a doormat at each entrance to prevent debris from entering your home. Sand, chemicals, and other outdoor debris can gradually damage floors, remove their shine, and even cause yellowing along hallways and in certain areas in the kitchen.

Use a carpet or mat to avoid scratches (Source: Internet) 
Use a carpet or mat to avoid scratches (Source: Internet) 

14. Avoid damage from heavy objects

Aside from water, chemicals, and dirt, scratches on furniture can ruin the appearance of your floor. This means that you can prevent wear and tear on your furniture.

Heavy objects that don’t often move, such as refrigerators and tables, can dent the floor. Secure feet are attached to these items to prevent permanent dents. Floor-friendly feet are softer and can withstand the weight of heavy furniture and appliances. Look for felt feet at your local hardware store.

Don’t drag furniture across the room as it leaves unsightly scratches on the floor. To prevent this, put plywood on the area of ​​the floor where you plan to move the furniture. Then move the furniture to the plywood sheet.

Avoid damage to your floors (Source: Internet)
Avoid damage to your floors (Source: Internet)

Use these tips to extend the lifespan of your vinyl floors

Vinyl is an affordable yet stylish flooring material. It can withstand years of use. However, keeping your floors looking their best requires regular cleaning and ongoing maintenance.

You don’t need expensive equipment or products to clean your vinyl floors. You can use easily available natural cleaners to help keep your floorboards and tiles sparkling clean

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